3 Signs You're Ready To Date Again
“How long should I wait to date after my divorce?" This is the question everyone wants answered. My coaching clients. My recently divorced friends. Hell — even my therapist is unsure what to do.
Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Love Life?
The thoughts we have can greatly impact our lives. In romantic relationships, self-sabotage can occur when we engage in destructive behavior that hinders our success or justifies our failure.
5 Signs They Want To Kiss You
It's the end of a fantastic first date, and you're wondering - should I go for a goodnight kiss? The anticipation can be nerve-wracking. After all, nobody wants to make the first move only to be rejected.
Loneliness After Divorce
Heartbreak is a universal experience that can lead to loneliness and affect our dating life. When we feel isolated, we tend to read too much into social interactions, which can lead to negative outcomes.
Are You Making the Right First Impression?
If you’re newly divorced, it’s a safe bet you haven’t freshened up your wardrobe in quite some time. You’re not alone. Most of the men I work with ask for assistance with outfits for their dating profile photos and dates.
Are You Ready For A Casual Hook-Up?
If you're divorced and not looking to jump into a serious relationship right away, casual dating can be a great way to explore new connections and have some adult fun.
Divorced, Dieting & Dating
Are you feeling self-conscious about the extra weight you gained during the pandemic? You're not alone! A recent survey revealed that 42% of adults in the United States experienced weight gain as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3 Signs Your Date Has Emotional Baggage
Nothing ruins the fun of a second date like someone who's carrying emotional baggage. Whether it's sharing stories about their ex or telling one too many self-deprecating jokes, learning how to spot emotional baggage can make you a better dater.
How To Stand Out Online
Dating apps can be a fantastic tool for meeting people after your divorce. However, with over 25 million dating app users in the United States alone, it can be hard to stand out. Use these tips…
3 Questions To Ask Yourself In 2023
So many of our New Year's Resolutions focus on our outside — what other people get to see. As we greet 2023 I encourage you to instead consider these perspectives as inspiration for your New Year’s Resolutions:
Dry January? Try These 7 Sober Date Ideas
If you’re sober-curious, partaking in dry January, or just interested in getting to know a potential date in a clear state of mind, be proactive and suggest one of these sober date ideas instead of “Wanna grab a drink?”.
5 Questions To Ask Your Next Date
The harsh reality is that if you are continuously going on boring dates, YOU are the only common denominator. Use this next date as an opportunity to try something new.
How To Avoid An Online Romance Scam
In 2021 alone, Americans reported losing $547 million dollars to romance scams, but the true number is likely higher. Shame and embarrassment stop victims from coming forward to authorities, or even telling friends or family.
WTH is Cuffing Season?
It’s that time of year again, the leaves are falling, it’s getting dark earlier, and people are cozying up for the upcoming holiday season – it’s cuffing season.
7 Dating Rules to Keep You Safe
Have you ever had that feeling in your stomach when something or someone feels a bit “off”? As a matchmaker and dating coach for divorced men and women, I want my clients to have FUN & be SAFE.
3 Signs You’re A Post-Divorce Rebound
A post-divorce rebound is someone that a divorcee uses to get over their ex. They play the role of a physical distraction, so the divorcee does not have to process the issues of their previous relationship.
Is it time for a dating coach?
I’ve worked with dozens of men and women from different countries, cultures, economic statuses, ages, and more. Everyone had one thing in common. They knew something wasn’t working in their dating lives and reached out for clarity on what they could improve.
Solo Travel After Divorce
Solo travel allowed me to decide where, when, and how I went somewhere. It was my first step in breaking the cycle of people pleasing. It allowed me to gain control of my life again (better yet – for the first time).
Forget the Spark
Most first dates don't involve WTF moments, an overwhelming majority of first dates suffer from a very, very common problem. Recognizing and addressing this problem is the key to having a happier, healthier, and all around better dating experience.
The Only Number You Should Say In The Bedroom
When it comes to a partner in the bedroom everyone wants experience, but no one wants a roster. So, it begs the question, "Does knowing a person’s 'body count' help or hurt a potential relationship?"