3 Questions To Ask Yourself In 2023

Happy New Year!

As we set down the egg nog, shake off the dust of 2022, and look forward to a brand new year, we inevitably ask ourselves what we should do differently this go around. Lose weight? Work out more? Look better naked?

So many of our New Year's Resolutions focus on our outside — what other people get to see. As we greet 2023 I encourage you to instead consider these perspectives as inspiration for your New Year’s Resolutions:

I was so lost after my divorce. I spent months battling depression and loneliness. I kept waiting on my friends and family to help me, but they never did. I finally realized that this was my problem to solve. I am so thankful that I found the Dating After Divorce Reflection Journal, because answering the questions helped me figure out who I was and what I wanted. I’m now in a healthy, loving relationship and it just feels so great.” – Jack P.

I was pretty negative about dating again before I found your account on Instagram. I was worried about falling into my next relationship instead of being purposeful. Your (reflection) journal gave me a good perspective on what to look for in a partner when I’m ready to date again…whenever that is.” – Allison W. 

“It may have taken me about a hundred horrible first dates to get there, but I am finally having fun and being intentional about dating. I realized that I was the one holding everything back. The reflection journal helped me get there.” – Brent K.

My Dating After Divorce Reflection journal is downloaded thousands of times each month by people that are struggling to find themselves after a divorce or bad breakup. I’ve found that these three questions from Chapters one, two, and three are a great way to focus your New Years Resolutions on improving your dating life:

  1. What are three goals I want to accomplish in the next 90 days?

  2. What do I want?

  3. What are my boundaries when it comes to dating?

#1: What are three goals you want to accomplish in the next 90 days?
It’s hard to get what you want out of life if you’re unsure of where you’re headed. Setting clear goals gives you the vision to get there.

Find this in the first chapter of the Dating After Divorce Reflection Journal.

#2: What do I want?
It’s easy to look back at past marriages and relationships and say, “I don’t know what I want, but I know it isn’t that!” Determining what you want after a divorce can seem simple enough, but without the right tools and breakthroughs, you may find yourself right back where you started. It’s time to get selfish (in the best way) and put yourself first. 

Find this in chapter two of the Dating After Divorce Reflection Journal.

#3: What are my boundaries when it comes to dating?
Developing a boundaries list helps you to adhere to a code of conduct and sets the foundation for others should treat you. We start this process by deciding what you will accept, what you won’t accept, and what you’re willing to compromise on with your future partner. 

Find this in chapter three of the Dating After Divorce Reflection Journal.

Start making small changes for your future today. And remember – you got this

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