5 Non-Traditional First Dates
Dating can be monotonous. You swipe, you text, you meet up for drinks. You repeat with the next person, etc. Changing the environment of the first date makes it less like an interview and more likely to feel that “connection”.
7 Signs You Have Dating Burn-Out
Regardless of how many dates you’ve been on it can feel a bit hopeless when you keep putting yourself out there and nothing seems to work out. You're probably burnt the f*ck out.
Red Flag Or a Quirk?
Recognizing red flags is one of the BIGGEST challenges of modern dating. But how do you tell the difference between a red flag and a "quirk"? Well...it depends. Things that scream "JADE THIS IS A RED FLAG RUN AWAY!!!" to me may not even pop up on your radar as a potential issue — and vice versa.
Dating After Divorce Mother’s Day Edition
Mother's Day can be a little tricky when you're dating after a divorce or a bad breakup. Here are tips to navigate most situations you might encounter this coming weekend.
5 Signs They’re “Breadcrumbing” You
You’ve been seeing someone new, but you recently felt a shift. You can’t put your finger on it, but you know something isn’t the same. Are they “breadcrumbing” you?
Is Your Attachment Style Hurting Your Love Life?
Have you ever found yourself continuously checking your phone after a date? Maybe they messaged you while you were in the other room and you didn’t hear it.
Why Should I Work With A Matchmaker?
Most people hire a matchmaker because they don’t have time to swipe/vet matches and haven’t found quality matches on dating apps.
When Should I Introduce My New Partner To My Kids?
A challenge I’ve seen after working with divorcées is that after leaving a loveless marriage, it can feel intoxicating to be wanted or to just feel seen again.
Are Assumptions Killing Your Dating Life?
There's an old saying that when you “assume” something, you make an ass out of you and me. But, assumptions help us male sense of new people and experiences.
4 Texts To Send INSTEAD Of Ghosting
A common thread in dating is that no one wants to feel like they’re wasting their time. Nor do people want to feel like they're having their time wasted.
You Just Got Rejected. Now What?
Have you ever analyzed a text message for what felt like forever, finally worked up the courage to hit send, and then…crickets?
The Dolly Parton Valentine's Day Solution
It’s really hard to know exactly where your date falls on the “Valentine’s Day Romance Spectrum” without actually experiencing a Valentine’s Day date with them first.
Your First Solo Valentine’s Day
My controversial matchmaker’s opinion is that Valentine's Day is the New Year's Eve of love. It's overrated and usually leaves you feeling unsatisfied.
Is vaccination status the new “who did you vote for”?
Whether singles like to admit it or not, most people carry around a list of deal-breakers they use to quickly figure out if someone is worth their time.
It’s Not The App. It’s Your Profile…
Have you ever wondered what’s holding your dating profile back? Tired of deleting and re-downloading your dating app? Here's the fix you've been waiting for…
Why "meeting someone organically" doesn't work anymore
“I’m waiting to meet someone organically” really means that you're not emotionally/mentally ready to deal with the ups and downs that dating (online or offline) entails and that’s okay! Healing is not linear.
New Year. Same Me. Better Boundaries.
January is about reflecting and becoming better versions of ourselves. But let’s be honest. Unless we implement small sustainable changes in our lives, our unfavorable patterns will not break.
How do I pick up a dead conversation on a dating app?
Have you ever been on a dating app and wondered how do I pick up this dead conversation from last week (or month)? You’ve probably started and stopped more conversations than you can count.
For Those Alone This Christmas
I’m not going to lie - your first Christmas alone will be difficult. Whether you’re recently divorced, have been single for quite some time, or are spending your first Christmas without your children, I’m here to remind you that it will not be like this forever.
5 Ways To Be Your Own Matchmaker
How do you make sure that your Memories notification on Facebook does not show you in the exact same place a year from now? The answer — time, patience & persistence.