7 Dating Rules to Keep You Safe

Have you ever had that feeling in your stomach when something or someone feels a bit “off”?

You might not be able to put your finger exactly on what it is, but you know something is wrong. 

Some people call it intuition, others call it "spidey sense". Regardless, it’s an important survival instinct that will keep you safe while dating.  

As a matchmaker and dating coach for divorced men and women, I want my clients to have FUN & be SAFE.

Here are my 7 dating rules to keep you safe:

  1. F*ck politeness

  2. Do your due diligence

  3. Communicate your plan

  4. Meet them there

  5. Don’t overshare private information

  6. Pack mace

  7. Share your location

#1. F*ck politeness
Excuse my french, but truly, f*ck it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying go out and be rude on a date, or to people in general. I am stating that if you have a gut feeling that something is off, you need to trust it. Women especially have been taught to be polite and not cause a scene. This unfortunately has led to people taking advantage of women throughout, well, all of recorded history. You do not need to put yourself in compromising situations at the expense of hurting a basic stranger's feelings. If you don’t feel comfortable you should leave. 

#2. Do your due diligence
Google your date or work with a matchmaker who personally vets dates and conducts background checks to get a bit of background on the person you’re meeting. It's amazing what a little Internet sleuthing can dig up. 

#3. Communicate your plan
It's important to always let someone you fully trust know when, where, and who you’re meeting. Bonus safety points if you screenshot a photo with the name of the person. Just be sure to not accidentally send it to your date. ;)

#4. Meet them there
A lot has changed in dating, but if you haven't dated since the 90s or early 00s this is one of the biggest differences. Gone are the days when your date comes by your house to pick you up for a first date or vice versa. I suggest always meeting your date in a public place. Do not have them pick you up.

#5. Don’t overshare private information
Don’t mention your home or office address, names of friends and family, or any other personally identifiable information. This is especially important for those new homeowners post-divorce, you may be tempted to put a proud photo of yourself standing in front of your new home that is all YOURS, but it's not safe. Most dating apps use location tags which may or may not include which neighborhood you live in or how many miles you're away from the user. 

#6. Pack mace
People are assaulted every day. Hopefully, you never have to use it, however,  a small can of mace/pepper spray is like an insurance policy. Here are some affordable pepper spray options to check out.

#7. Share your location
Sharing your location with a close friend or family member is a great way to add an extra layer of safety to your dating (or everyday life) experience. 

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