You Just Got Rejected. Now What?

Have you ever analyzed a text message for what felt like forever, finally worked up the courage to hit send, and then…crickets?

Or maybe you’ve gone out with someone a few times, got excited, told your friends about them, and then you get the dreaded “I think we’re better off as just friends” text. 


Rather than dwell on it, you need to think about your first rejection post-divorce (or bad breakup) as a normal part of the dating process. It’s just like falling down when you learned how to ride a bike. It’s an important part of doing something new (even if it stings a bit)!

Overcoming rejection is a common challenge that you will inevitably face as you dip your toes back into the dating pool, but it can be hard to face on your own if you’re not emotionally prepared.

So what can you do to prepare for something like this?

  • Accept that your first rejection post-divorce or break up will hurt.

  • Understand that rejection can actually have positive aspects because it helps you temper expectations and level-set for the rest of your dating adventure.

  • Think about each date as a single step in a process, not an end-all, be-all interview for your future partner.

Feeling rejected as a newly single man or woman can bring up feelings of deja-vu.

So, what should you do about it when it eventually happens?

What you should do:

  • Take some time to decompress.

  • Take a break from the dating apps if you feel overwhelmed.

  • Spend more timing doing what makes you happy, so you’re less likely to sit around and feel sorry for yourself.

What you shouldn’t do:

  • Second-guess everything you said or did prior to the rejection.

  • Write-off dating altogether, due to fear of feeling this way again.

  • Assume your next date will be just like the last.

Struggling to bounce back from a recent rejection - email me back and we can chat about it. Until next time my friends, happy hunting!

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