Dating After Divorce Mother’s Day Edition

Mother's Day can be a little tricky when you're dating after a divorce or a bad breakup, so this article focuses on tips to help you navigate most situations you might encounter this coming weekend.

You're 5 dates in and Mother's Day is Just Around the Corner:
First things first — your dating journey with this new person is just at the beginning. Rather than rushing things this weekend, I strongly suggest not getting together with her kids (or yours). Always take your time when introducing your new significant other and your/their kids.

If she has the kids this Sunday…
Send over her favorite meal via Uber Eats or Doordash. At the very least, it will save her the time and energy it takes to cook and clean up a meal. 
If she does not have the kids this Sunday…
You can plan a romantic picnic and buy her a massage (make a reservation). This does not mean giving her an IOU on a handwritten note. You two can work that out on your own. 
Offer this for your female friend who just got separated/ divorced:
Offer to take the kids for the afternoon. She can go to the spa, her hair done, a pedicure, or just sit and watch her favorite show uninterrupted. Don’t feel comfortable babysitting? Invite her and the kids over for dinner and a movie night. 

What about your ex-wife? Here's your Mother's Day plan:
Remember the saying you catch more flys with honey than vinegar? If you have an amicable co-parenting relationship with your ex-wife (or if you’re working towards it), tell her that you’d like her to have the day to do whatever she wants. 

I suggest sending something like this... “Hey. I want you to know how appreciated you are for Mother’s Day. You give a lot to the kids, but you deserve some time to yourself too. Let me know if it will be okay for me to pick them up on Sunday morning, so you can have some much deserved ‘you time’.” 

Bonus points if you put together a little self-care basket which can include:

  • Epsom bath salts or lotion

  • Her favorite candy/junk food

  • Giftcards

  • Wine

  • Coffee

  • Fuzzy socks

  • Anything you remember her liking from your time together

All of these can be found at a grocery store. Even if the contents only equal $20, the gesture will be meaningful. Hell, it could even be the little nudge to make your co-parenting relationship more tolerable. 

What to do on Mother's Day for yourself:

  • Ask your parents or a friend if they can watch the kids for a few hours to spend however you want to. 

  • Hide in the closest and eat Mint Milano Cookies (sometimes sharing isn’t caring).

  • Reach out to your favorite matchmaker to jumpstart that love life you’ve been putting off. 

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