Would You Date Someone Who Smokes Pot?

Cannabis. Weed. Marijuana. Reefer. Pot. Hash. Hashish. Grass. Mary Jane. Ganja.

There are many names for this plant (more than 1200 in fact). For my divorced men and women who are reentering the dating scene after some time, there are countless things to consider when looking for a potential partner. Cannabis is one of them.

A few questions to ask yourself while navigating this new dating world:

  1. Would I date someone who smokes pot?

  2. What about someone who uses CBD?

  3. What if they didn’t smoke to get high like Cheech and Chong, but used it for medical purposes?

  4. What if they had a business around cultivating cannabis plants?

This topic often gets passed over until you’re faced with the situation head-on. If you haven’t put in the time and energy it takes to evaluate your standards and dealbreakers (all covered in our free journal) how will you know if you’re making the right decision? 

Let's say you go out with someone for the first time and you have an amazing date. Go out with them on a second date and as a nightcap, your date asks, “Would you like a glass of wine or a joint?”

Would that be the last time you saw them?

It’s 2021 and we’re long past the days of believing Reefer Madness is what happens when you partake in marijuana… or are we?

Recreational marijuana is legal in 19 states in America and throughout Canada. Yet, our society has a very divided view of this drug. There are plenty of successful professionals out there who would prefer to smoke a bowl at the end of the day rather than have a glass of bourbon.

In fact, one of my clients who I refer to as my “Northeast Richard Branson” is a huge proponent of cannabis. He is an incredibly successful bachelor who did well in the stock market, but also smokes pot. On the flip side of that, I have clients who will absolutely not be matched with someone who uses it. 

Whether you partake in cannabis or not, there are a few things you should consider before getting back out there and potentially being blindsided. 

Things to consider:

  • Not everyone who smokes will have it on their dating profile.

  • Asking if they smoke or do any other "substances" is OK on a first date.

  • Having honest and upfront conversations about your concerns is valid and necessary.

  • Not every person who smokes weed is a "pothead".

  • Having boundaries around if/when someone smokes when children are involved is crucial.

Maybe your ex had a tendency to smoke pot and not be a present mother or father. Maybe you’ve seen people start with pot and progress onto harder substances. We all have reasons for the way we feel about things. As with drinking, there are some who use cannabis to excess and some who use it every once in a while.

I'd love to know what you think would you date someone who uses cannabis?

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