Dating After COVID? Read This First!
“Dating Again after a year can be quite scary.”
Just when you thought dating couldn’t be any more nerve-wracking and anxiety-provoking…BOOM…COVID-19 hits and makes everything a whole lot harder.
The pandemic introduced us to the concept of “the quarantine”, which meant an entire year of not being able to safely engage in meaningful connections with people outside of your immediate bubble. Not only did this disrupt dating — it also made it much harder to connect with family, friends, and other loved ones. Physical touch became elusive. Common practices like hugging, holding, and kissing were off the table for everyone, not just those dating after divorce.
Fortunately we can now see a light at the end of the tunnel, and are inching closer and closer to the finish line of this COVID-19 madness. As wonderful as this is, there is no denying that jumping back into the dating pool after a year off can be quite scary.
You have a lot of questions, and need some quick answers.
What can you expect dating post-COVID? How can you make genuine connections when everyone is still on high alert? Read on for the answers to these questions (and more) so you can get prepared for the new normal and leap confidently into this new, uncharted dating era.
How do I make small talk with a stranger again?
Small talk is difficult enough, but after being in isolation for over a year you might be worried that it could become downright awkward. But don’t worry too much, because your date is likely feeling the exact same way!
Small talk really isn’t too hard to master. I always suggest starting with a heartfelt compliment or just ask a simple question to get the conversation started. Suggestions include, “How did you keep from going crazy during COVID?” “What movies did you binge watch when you were stuck inside?” “Did you ever not wear sweat pants during a work Zoom call?”
A little humor can go a long way!
Furthermore, if someone talks to you first, don’t overthink your answer (this can cause you to freeze-up) — just allow the conversation to flow naturally. Remember, small talk is about breaking the ice. Now is not the time to jump on your soap box about politics or religion.
How can I reduce my anxiety about my first Post-COVID Date?
Everyone, I repeat, EVERYONE gets first-date anxiety, whether or not we’re in the midst of recovering from a global pandemic.
Here’s a couple things that you can do to combat post-COVID, first-date jitters:
Remember that the other person is also anxious and nervous. Watch this SNL Dating Post Covid episode, and use it as a light-hearted conversation starter.
Focus on having fun and getting to know someone new. Don’t worry about making a connection or not. This "nothing to lose and everything to gain" mindset will help position you to surface your best, most authentic self and feel much more relaxed.
How Am I supposed to Flirt Post-COVID?
Once upon a time, flirting consisted of touching people gently, such as moving hair out of their face, rubbing their arm, or playfully bumping into each other.
Post-COVID dating will rely more on eye contact, smiling, listening, and giving the other person your full attention (i.e., put the phone away!) . Let someone know you are into them by focusing more on your body language, manners, and choice of words. As you both become more comfortable, you can slowly work in physical touch, as long as you both are on board with it (remember — don’t push to escalate things, or do physical flirting of any kind unless you have consent).
How can I successfully transition from virtual dates to in-person ones?
Like most matchmakers, I’ve been busier than ever over the past year.
While in-person dates dwindled down to nearly nothing, online dating — especially Zoom virtual dates — have taken off like wildfire. Understanding how to step away from the screen and safely transition back to dating in person is important for everyone dating after divorce.
First off, don’t meet in person until you’re both fully vaccinated. It’s absolutely OK to ask, “Can you send over a photo of your vaccination card before we meet?” Better safe than sorry!
Even then, it’s important to prioritize fun, outdoor, socially distanced activities for your first couple of dates. Get creative, using this as an opportunity to break out of the old ruts of “dinner and movie”. Keep it safe, and be sure to move at a pace that you are both comfortable with.
Final Thoughts - The End is Near
This past year has been rough, but fortunately the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is near!
Singles of all ages have felt the frustration of isolation. Even though online dating has been going strong, the reality of not meeting up for traditional dates — and the lack of deep, personal bonds — has left tons of people on standby, waiting to get back into the game again.
I know you’re excited to get back out there, but remember, slow and steady wins the race!