Learning To Trust Again After Infidelity

Betrayal in a relationship can cause immense pain and trauma, leaving the person who was cheated on struggling to trust again

However, it is possible to learn to trust people, with time and effort. 

If you are a divorcee trying to navigate this difficult journey after infidelity, here are some tips to help you rebuild your trust and start anew

  1. Take your time. Don't rush into a new relationship right away. Give yourself space to heal and process your emotions. Take time to focus on yourself and your own needs.

  2. Be honest with yourself. Take some time to reflect on what happened in your previous relationship. Be honest with yourself about what you need from a partner in order to feel safe and secure. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. 

  3. Communicate with your new partner. When you do start dating again, it's important to communicate openly with your new partner about your fears and concerns. Let them know that you have been hurt in the past and that you need time to rebuild your trust. If they aren't willing to move slowly, they're not your person. 

  4. Look for signs of trustworthiness. Pay attention to your new partner's behavior and actions. Look for signs that they are trustworthy and honest. Over time, as they consistently demonstrate their trustworthiness, it can help rebuild your confidencein people again.

  5. Seek support. Consider talking to a therapist or joining a support group (check out Eventbrite or Facebook) for people who have been through infidelity. Having a support system can be helpful as you work through your emotions and learn to trust again.

Remember, rebuilding trust takes time and effort.

It's important to be patient and take things slowly, and to communicate openly with your new partner about your needs and concerns. 

Lastly, you should know that just because your ex was unfaithful, that does not mean your future partner will be. 

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