Dating After Divorce

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5 Non-Traditional First Dates

Dating can be monotonous.

You swipe, you text, you meet up for drinks. You repeat with the next person, etc.

When it comes to dating I’m a firm believer in these two things:

  1. You should go into the first date with the intention of going on a second date — unless they say something horrible, or make you feel unsafe. 

  2. Changing the environment of the first date makes it feel less like an interview and encourages the “connection” we all crave.

So instead of repeating our go-to first date strategy. Let's switch it up, shall we?

Here a 5 non-traditional first dates to try:

1. Live Music
Going to see live music is a great first date option. Depending on where you live, there’s often music playing in large and smaller venues.
Check out Eventbrite for upcoming shows in your area. 

Why is this a good date? 
Everyone loves good music. Add the possibility of dancing with your new potential partner = breaking the physical touch barrier and allowing you guys to connect more. 

2. Adult arcade bar
When I was single this was one of my favorite things to do on a date. Who doesn't love a little friendly competition and smack talking while channeling your inner-kid? One of my recent matchmaking success stories involved my client and their match going out to an arcade bar. Although all their dates have been good, this one is where I think sparks really started to fly. :)

Independently owned adult arcade bars are pretty common throughout the US, but if you're unable to find one look up your closest Dave & Busters
Why is this a good date? 
Because it's a break from the stereotypical dinner, drinks (ie. interview style) date. Activities like shooting hoops, ski-ball and and other arcade games get you brushing elbows with your date, which allows you to break that physical touch barrier again in a non-threatening way flirty way. 
3. Mini picnic
I went on a date with a French gentleman and he suggested a picnic in the park for our first date. I asked what I could bring and he said in broken English, “Don’t worry about it”. We got to the public meeting spot and sat down on a blanket.

He pulled out the following from his bag:

  • Sparkling water

  • Wine

  • Cups

  • Cheese

  • Crackers

  • Tomatoes 

  • Fruit

  • Shrimp he had marinated himself

After I picked my American jaw off the floor I realized I was so blown away by this gesture because (until then) I’d never had someone put this much effort into a first date. 

Why is this a good date? 
It shows effort. A little effort in dating goes a hell of a long way. 

Does this mean you need to marinate shrimp for your next picnic date? Hello no! But trust me on this -- if you even just pick out 3 or 4 of the above you're starting off on the right foot. 

4. Be a tourist in your own city
We're busy adults. We often barely have time to see our friends or family members, let alone check out different parts of our city. When we do have time, we like to do the things we already know about or places we've already eaten. 

Want some ideas on what to do? Check out walking, historical, bike, or even ghost tours at Lonely Planet or Airbnb experiences.

Why is this a good date? 
It’s an out of the everyday activity. You can ask each other questions in between stops while walking. Exploring your own city with new eyes is curiously sexy. It gives the impression that you could be a fun and intriguing potential life partner. 

5. Take a cooking class
Food! We love it. We need it. We might as well have fun with it while we do. Check out local cooking classes in your city via google or visit Airbnb experiences. 

(DISCLAIMER – Do NOT invite this person over to your home for a first date, nor should you go to theirs.)

Why is this a good date?
Not only do you get to share an experience of making a meal with someone (which could be good or bad), but you also get to eat with them at the end. 

Lastly, if you're in a larger city in America I suggest signing up for The Nudge. It sends you weekly happenings in your city. 

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