How To Revive A Dating App Convo Like A Pro

Have you ever found yourself on a dating app, staring at a dead conversation from last week or even last month?

If you're anything like the millions of singles out there, you've started and stopped numerous chats, wondering what went wrong. Sometimes life gets overwhelming, and we stop responding; other times, it's the other person losing interest.

As a matchmaker and dating coach who specializes in dating after divorce, I understand the frustrations of trying to reignite a connection. But I firmly believe in giving it one more shot.

What's the worst that could happen? You're back where you started. Taking action removes the nagging "what if" factor and puts you back in control.

Here are some actionable tips for reigniting a dead conversation on a dating app:

  1. Reference Shared Interests - Remind them of something you both discussed before to rekindle the connection. It could be a mutual hobby, favorite movie, or travel destination. For example, you could say, "I just got back from a breathtaking trail. Have you been on any exciting adventures lately?" This shows that you paid attention to their interests and creates a familiar starting point for the conversation.

  2. Suggest an Activity - Instead of just chatting, propose a specific date idea. Take the initiative and suggest doing something together. For instance, "Want to try that new dessert place together this weekend? I heard they have the most amazing chocolate lava cake!" This shows that you are interested in moving beyond the virtual space and into the real world.

  3. Use Humor - Share a funny anecdote or meme related to your previous conversation. Laughter can break the ice and create a positive vibe. It shows that you have a light-hearted approach and are comfortable enough to inject humor into the conversation.

  4. Keep it Short & Sweet - Don't overwhelm them with a lengthy message. Keep your re-engagement text concise and intriguing. A short and engaging message is more likely to capture their attention and encourage a response.

  5. Be Positive - Maintain a positive tone and avoid dwelling on the past silence. Focus on the present opportunity to connect. For instance, do not send a message like, “So I guess you’re not interested anymore?” Instead, express enthusiasm for reconnecting and starting fresh.

  6. Show Interest in Their Response - End your message with an open-ended question to encourage a reply. For example, "What's your favorite thing to do on your weekends?" Avoid one-word responses. This shows that you're genuinely interested in getting to know them better.

If they don't respond after your second attempt, resist the urge to chase them endlessly. Two messages with no response is a clear sign they might not be available or interested at the moment. It's best to unmatch them or wish them well in their search.

Remember, dating apps can be unpredictable, and not every match will lead to a meaningful connection.

Stay positive, be yourself, and don't be discouraged by occasional silence. Keep trying, and you'll increase your chances of finding someone who appreciates your effort and shares a genuine connection with you.

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